Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Medea Leaves Corinth in a Chariot Drawn by Dragons. South Italian krater, attributed to the
Policoro Painter, ca. 400 B.c.; height 20V 4 in. Medea, wearing oriental cap and dress, drives
a chariot sent by the Sun, whose rays encircle her. Winged Furies look down on the
human figures below—on the left, Jason railing at Medea, and on the right the children's
tutor and Medea's nurse mourning over the bodies of the two children, which are draped
across an altar. A spotted feline reacts energetically to the dragons. The painting repre-
sents the final scene of Euripides' Medea. (The Medea Krater. Earthenware with slip decora-
tion and added red, white, and yellow, late fifth-early fourth century B.C. © The Cleveland Mu-
seum of Art, Leonard C. Hanna Jr. Fund, 91.1.)
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