Classical Mythology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

spears, with Atalanta and Milanion behind them. A dead hound and hunter lie on the
ground, and other hunters (all named) attack or prepare to attack the beast. The band be-
low shows the chariot race from the funeral games for Patroclus: Diomedes leads Damasip-
pus, and the prize, a tripod, is shown below to the left. (Detail 2, top) The second detail shows
the top bands on the other side: Theseus and the Athenian boys and girls (thirteen in the
complete band) begin the Crane dance [see p. 561 for the location of the Dance at Delos, not
Crete] that celebrates their release, as the sailors in the Athenian ship that will take them
home cheer. One sailor swims eagerly to land. In the band immediately below is the battle
of Centaurs and Lapiths. (Detail 3, bottom). In the third detail, the band below the chariot
race shows the wedding procession of Peleus and Thetis, who are on the chariot to the left.
The lower band shows Achilles pursuing Troilus: on the left is the fountain-house where
Polyxena (sister of Troilus) had been drawing water. To its right a Trojan woman gesticu-
lates in alarm, and next to her (in order) are Thetis, Hermes, and Athena, the latter urging
on Achilles (the top half of whose body is missing). Troilus rides a horse beside a second
riderless horse, and beneath lies Polyxena's amphora, which she has dropped in her flight.
She runs in front of Troilus (her top half is missing) toward the walls of Troy, from which
two armed warriors, Hector and Polites, are emerging. In front of Troy sits Priam, who is
receiving a report from Antenor about the danger to Troilus. (Museo Archeologico, Florence.
Photograph courtesy ofHirmer Verlag, Munchen.)

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