Digital Camera World (2019-06)

(Antfer) #1

Photo Answers







This pleasant pastoral scene lost its mood
when the camera took an average meter
reading, leaving the sky lacking in detail
and the land missing any tonal contrast.
Using Adobe Camera Raw, I can fix these
issues easily. To start with, as it looks
slightly off, I simply double-click the
Straighten Tool, just to make sure
the horizon is perfectly level^1.
Now I can start on the sky^2. In the
Basics Panel, I reduce the Highlights slider
to -100 and increase Dehaze by +20. This
brings lots of detail back into the clouds,
and adds a little crispness to the fields,
too. I want to create a better tonal contrast

between the green and yellow of the fields,
to show the way the sun is giving dappled
light between the clouds^3. I can do this
in the HSL Adjustments Panel. Selecting
Luminance, I can darken the greens
slightly and lighten the yellows before
switching to Saturation and de-saturating
the green by taking its slider back to -25,
so the foreground field is less verdant.
Finally, I paint another Adjustment
Brush over the foreground shadow^4 ,
then reduce the Exposure of the selected
area by -50. The finished image has a
greater contrast range, and is certainly
much more visually interesting.

Key words


Should I keyword
my images in
Lightroom when
importing them?
Colin Hope


It’s not essential, but it
will certainly help you find
images later. As you say,
you can keyword by typing
in appropriate words at import, or you
can drag individual images or groups
of images over a keyword that already
exists in the Keywords panel.
If you have forgotten to keyword
at import and want to apply the same
keywords to the whole folder, select
the images in the Library Module,
then type the keywords you want to
add into the Keywords Tags panel.

Phone text


I want to add text
to some iPhone
images and put
them on Instagram. Is
there an app that will
let me do this?
Sue King


There are several apps
that allow you to do this,
Sue. Some are free, and
others have a small
charge. The two I’ve played around
with are After Photo and Phonto.
They both let you add all kinds of looks,
style and colours for the text you are
writing. Snapseed is more of an
all-round mobile imaging app, but
also allows you to add text to images;
so if you want something that gives
you extra processing creativity
and text, then take a look.

Image Rescue

A shot that’s been flattened by the camera’s meter reading is a
common occurrence, but there is something you can do about it
Free download pdf