Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

distort (dis TAWRT) vt.1. to twist out of shape; change the normal shape, form,
or appearance of; 2. to misrepresent; misstate; pervert

  • Rubber dolls and action figures are easy to distort.

  • Martin’s report on Korea seriously distortsthe facts.
    [-ed, -ing, -er n.] [Syn. deform]
    diversion*(di VER zhuhn) n.1. a turning aside; 2. distraction of attention; 3.
    anything that distracts the attention, such as a pastime or an amusement

  • Diversionof the Colorado River through tunnels allowed the Hoover Dam
    to be built near Las Vegas.

  • The Japanese attacked the Aleutians in World War II as a diversionto draw
    America’s attention away from Midway.

  • Six Flags provides diversionat several amusement parks.
    divination(DIV i NAY shun) n.1. a trying to predict the future or examine the
    unknown by means beyond human understanding; 2. a prophecy; prediction; fore-
    knowing; 3. a correct guess or good intuition

  • Divinationwas often used in the Old West to decide where to dig wells for

  • Nostradamus’s stock and trade was divination.

  • One who succeeds in divinationis often referred to as a lucky guesser.

  • Divinationis ESP (not ESPN).

Quick Review #29.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

88 Essential Vocabulary

  1. dispersal

  2. disregard

  3. dissemble

  4. disseminate

  5. dissent

  6. dissimilar

  7. dissipate

  8. distinct

  9. distinguish

  10. distort

  11. diversion

  12. divination

a. different

b. deform

c. unmistakable

d. foretelling

e. characterize

f. distraction

g. disagree

h. squander

i. neglect

j. promulgate

k. scattering

l. pretend
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