Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #32.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

96 Essential Vocabulary

  1. elocution

  2. eloquent

  3. elude

  4. embellishment

  5. embitter

  6. embrace

  7. embroil

  8. emend

  9. emergence

  10. emigrate

  11. eminent

  12. emissary

a. leave

b. anger

c. appearance

d. declaiming

e. famous

f. ornamentation

g. include

h. fluent

i. jumble

j. agent

k. edit

l. evade

emollient(i MAHL yint) n.something with a softening or soothing effect, espe-
cially a medicinal lotion applied to the skin of the body

  • After a day outside, an emollientis helpful in combating the drying effect
    of the wind.

  • Women are more likely to use an emollientthan men because the former
    care more about maintaining their appearance.
    emotional(i MOH shin uhl) adj. 1. of dealing with strong feelings; 2. showing
    feelings, especially strong ones; 3. easily or quick to weep, be angry, etc.; 4. appeal-
    ing to the emotions; moving people to tears, anger, etc.

  • Karen always gets very emotionalat weddings.

  • Victor’s return from overseas was an emotionaltime for his whole family.

  • Films that cause emotionalreactions with lots of tears and “awws!” are
    often classified as “chick flicks.”
    [-ly adv.]
    emphasize (EM fuh SYZ) vt.to give special force and importance to; to stress

  • When dealing with heart disease, doctors emphasizethat speed in getting
    treatment is urgent.

  • Using eyeliner emphasizesthe beauty of your eyes.
    [-d, emphasizing] [Syn. stress]

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