Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #33.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

E: SAT Words 99

  1. emollient

  2. emotional

  3. emphasize

  4. emphatic

  5. emulate

  6. encompass

  7. encourage

  8. endorse

  9. endure

  10. energy

  11. enervate

  12. enhance

a. approve

b. improve

c. softener

d. imitate

e. strength

f. moving

g. encircle

h. devitalize

i. stress

j. foster

k. continue

l. forcible

enigmatic*(EN ig MAT ik) adj.of or like a puzzle; perplexing; baffling

  • Don’s expression was enigmatic;we could not even imagine what he was

  • How the giant snowball appeared on the baseball field in the middle of
    June was enigmatic.
    [-ally* adv.] [Syn. obscure]
    enjoy (en JOY) vt.1. to experience pleasure; get pleasure from; relish; 2. to have
    the benefit or advantage of

  • Margo enjoyslistening to a Beethoven symphony.

  • Steven enjoyedhis song’s receiving a large measure of radio and TV airtime.
    [-ed, -ing]
    enlighten (en LY tin) vt.1. to free from ignorance, prejudice, or superstition;

  1. to inform; make clear to; educate

  • Years of experience with the electorate had served to enlightenthe senator
    about the folly of favoring one group over another.

  • Please enlightenme as to the time you got home last night.
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. inform]
    enmity(EN mi tee) n.the bitter anger or feeling of an enemy, or of mutual
    enemies toward one another; hostility; antagonism

  • The Romans and the Scots had great enmitytoward one another.

  • Considerable enmitycharacterized rival gangs of Chicago during
    [Syn. hostility, animosity, antagonism]

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