Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

fortunate (FAWR tyoo nit) adj.1. lucky; having good luck; having good
fortune; 2. favorable; auspicious

  • Roger was fortunateto have taken the plane just before the flight that

  • Sarah was very fortunatewhen she picked the winning lottery numbers.
    [fortunately adv.]
    foster(FAW stir) vt.1. to carefully raise; rear; 2. to nourish; help grow or
    develop; promote —adj.being treated as a certain member of the family, although
    neither related nor adopted

  • Mickey fosteredthe colt as if it were his own child.

  • Dairy farmers fostera national campaign to promote milk drinking.

  • Dorothy and Al are fosterparents to three fosterchildren.
    [-ed, -ing]
    fracture(FRAK chir) vt.1. to break or split; to crack; 2. to disrupt; to break up
    —n.1. a break or cleft; 2. a broken-off part; fragment; 3. a broken bone

  • The 2003 invasion of Iraq helped to fracturethe Franco-American alliance.

  • Alice’s shriek fracturedthe near-complete silence.

  • Matt fracturedhis ulna playing ice hockey.

  • The doctor set Mike’s fracturedfinger with a splint.

  • Flint knives were made by hitting two pieces of flint together in hopes of
    fracturinga chip off one to form the blade.
    [-d, fracturing] [Syn. break]
    freedom (FREE dim) n.1. the state or quality of being free from the control of
    other persons, or certain laws or regulations; 2. a right or privilege

  • The nations of the Americas value their freedomfrom their former
    European colonizers.

  • Police cars on duty enjoy freedomfrom the parking regulations in the city.

  • Freedomof speech and freedomof religion are just two of the rights
    Americans are supposed to enjoy.
    frequency(FREE kwin see) n.1. the number of times something is repeated
    within a certain specified time frame; number of oscillations per time period; 2. a
    repeated or repeating occurrence

  • When something vibrates between about 30 and 16,000 times per second,
    its frequencyis within the range of normal human hearing.

  • Supersonic frequenciesare above the range of human hearing, while sub-
    sonic frequenciesare below that range.

  • The frequencyof car horn honkings in Amanda’s neighborhood is about
    five per hour.

116 Essential Vocabulary

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