Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
genetics (jen ET iks) adj.1. the branch of science that deals with heredity;

  1. the traits of an individual, group, or type

    • As branches of biology go, geneticsis a rather young science but one that
      has yielded great returns.

    • DNA research and identification is only one of the benefits brought about
      by genetics.

    • Look at parent and child next to one another, and often the common
      geneticsare obvious.
      glacial(GLAY shil) adj.1. of or like ice; of or like glaciers; 2. produced by a
      glacier or during a glacial age; 3. freezing; very cold; 4. unfriendly; 5. very, very
      slow, like the progress of a glacier

    • The surface of Antarctica is quite glacialin texture, except where it is snow

    • Many mountain streams of today are of glacialproduction.

    • Brrr! The weather outside is glacialin feel.

    • Annette froze Hiram with a glacialglare.

    • William had such a fear of calculus that his progress in the subject could
      only be described as glacial.
      [-ly adv.]
      glissade(gli SAHD) n.1. a mountain climber’s deliberate slide down a snow-
      covered hill; 2. a gliding ballet step

    • While descending the slopes of Everest, Hillary welcomed every glissadehe
      had the chance to take.

    • Ballerinas frequently do glissadeswhen not on point (on their toes).

Quick Review #41.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

120 Essential Vocabulary

  1. gargantuan

  2. garish

  3. genealogy

  4. generalize

  5. generation

  6. genetics

  7. glacial

  8. glissade

a. slide

b. enormous

c. heredity

d. poularize

e. pedigree

f. unfriendly

g. procreation

h. gaudy
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