Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

hypothesis*(hy PAH thi sis) n.an unproved theory, supposition, presumption,
etc. often used to provide a jumping-off point for exploring further

  • An apple’s falling from a tree, the story goes, inspired Newton’s hypothesis
    that led to his laws of gravitation.

  • The hypothesisthat heat travels from warmer bodies to cooler bodies gave
    rise to the science of thermodynamics.

  • The hypothesisthat base metals could be turned into precious metals
    proved untrue, and so chemistry came to replace alchemy.
    [hypotheses* pl.]

Quick Review #43.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

126 Essential Vocabulary

  1. heed

  2. heighten

  3. heinous

  4. heritage

  5. hierarchy

  6. hinder

  7. hindrance

  8. hostility

  9. humanity

  10. humorous

  11. hypocrite

  12. hypothesis

a. ordering

b. obstacle

c. presumption

d. enmity

e. kindness

f. droll

g. obey

h. pretender

i. intensify

j. birthright

k. obstruct

l. outrageous
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