Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #54.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

156 Essential Vocabulary

  1. machination

  2. malediction

  3. malinger

  4. mallet

  5. mandate

  6. manual

  7. manuscript

  8. mar

  9. mastery

  10. materialism

  11. mathematical

  12. maverick

  13. maxim

  14. meaning

  15. means

a. stray

b. intent

c. greediness

d. saying

e. precise

f. wealth

g. order

h. spoil

i. handwritten

j. hammer

k. control

l. instructions

m. curse

n. shirk

o. plot

media (MEE dee uh) n.all means of communication, such as radio, television,
cinema, and print matter that provide the public with news and entertainment

  • Most of the mediain the United States are driven by advertising dollars.

  • Since the advent of television, the roles played by the print mediahave
    tended to become more specialized.
    mediocre(MEE dee OH kir) adj.1. of average quality; not too good, not too
    bad; 2. inferior; not good enough

  • The quality of prime-time TV shows has, over the years, been mediocre,
    with the best shows airing after 10 P.M.

  • For the most part, packaged supermarket baked goods are mediocrewhen
    compared with freshly baked goods.
    melee(MAY lay) n.1. a noisy or confused struggle or brawl among a number of
    people; 2. a confused mixture

  • After the first half of watching the football game at the tavern, a melee
    broke out among the patrons.

  • Sangria is a meleeof citrus fruits and red wine served over ice.
    melodrama (MEL uh DRAH muh) n.1. a play or film concerned with exagger-
    ated conflict and sensational overacting stereotypical characters; 2. any sensational
    hyperemotional acting, utterance, etc.

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