mundane (muhn DAYN) adj.1. earthly, as distinguished from heavenly or
spiritual; 2. ordinary; everyday
- The clergy of the Middle Ages lived much more mundanelives than their
calling might have led one to expect. - The peacock is an outstandingly beautiful bird, while the pigeon is consid-
erably more mundane.
[-ly adv.] [Syn. earthly]
munificent(myoo NIF is int) adj.1. very generous; giving lavishly; 2. distin-
guished for great generosity - Andrew Carnegie was noted for his munificentdonations to artistic
causes. - John D. Rockefeller’s descendants have proven very munificentin
trying to distribute some of the wealth that the family’s patriarch
amassed from his businesses.
[-ly adv, munificence n.]
museum(myoo ZEE im) n.a room, institution, or building for displaying
and/or showcasing artifacts, works of art, or items associated with a person,
activity, etc. - Museumscan be as different as the District of Columbia’s Air and Space
Museum and its National Museum of Natural History. - The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, is a museumdevoted
exclusively to the sport of baseball.
musing (MYOO zing) adj.meditative; pondering —n. meditation; reflection - Yolanda was in a musingframe of mind as she thought over the day’s
events. - Yoga teaches the benefits of musingfor a set amount of time each day.
[-ly adv.]
muskrat(MUHS krat) n.1. any of the various glossy, brown-furred American
rodents with a musky odor that are adapted by webbed hind feet for living in
water; 2. such an animal’s fur - Muskratshave been known, as have other rodents, to carry disease.
- Imitation mink coats are usually made of muskrat.
162 Essential Vocabulary