Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #57.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

M – N: SAT Words 163

  1. monarch

  2. monopoly

  3. morality

  4. morose

  5. motivation

  6. motive

  7. muffle

  8. mundane

  9. munificent

  10. museum

  11. musing

  12. muskrat

a. generous

b. pondering

c. goal

d. earthly

e. rodent

f. showcase

g. exclusive

h. incitement

i. gloomy

j. queen

k. stifle

l. rightness

mutter*(MUH dir) vi.1. to speak in a low, indistinct voice; 2. to complain —vt.
to say something in low, often angry tones

  • Neil tended to mutter,and it was necessary to pay very close attention to
    make out what he was saying.

  • Laura mutteredto the floor cleaners about what a shabby job they had done.

  • When Sebastian saw what he owed in income taxes for the year, he began
    to mutterprofanities.
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. murmur]
    myriad(MI ree uhd) n.a very large number; countless; innumerable; a great
    number of persons or things

  • Look up in the sky on a clear night away from city lights, and you’ll find a
    myriadof stars and other glowing bodies.

  • Myriadsof ocean worshippers flock to the seaside each summer.

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