Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #61.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

P – Q: SAT Words 175

  1. palette

  2. pallid

  3. pantomime

  4. paramount

  5. parasite

  6. parboil

  7. parch

  8. parenthetical

  9. pariah

  10. parish

a. overheat

b. pale

c. dominant

d. dry

e. gesticulate

f. leech

g. congregation

h. dry

i. interjected

j. colors

partisan*(PAHR ti zin) n.1. a person who takes one side or the other in a con-
test or dispute; 2. any of a group of guerrilla fighters —adj.1. like or characteristic
of a partisan; 2. blindly loyal

  • In the argument between Stan and Gilda, Fred was a partisanof Gilda.

  • Armed partisanshave been common over the years in much of Central

  • Partisanpolitics tends to get in the way of Congress ever doing very much.

  • No matter what Carolina does, Rocio is partisanand follows her lead.
    [Syn. follower]
    passive(PAS iv) adj.1. acted upon without acting back; 2. yielding; submissive;
    patient; 3. taking no active part

  • When sanding a block of wood, the sander is the active participant, while
    the wood is passive.

  • Boxing is not a sport for a passiveperson.

  • In pleading not guilty to the charge of robbery, Bonnie insisted that she
    had been passive,driving the car but having no idea that a robbery had
    even taken place until the police pulled her over.
    [-ly adv.]
    paternal(puh TER nil) adj.1. like or typical of a father; fatherly; 2. inherited
    from or related on the father’s side

  • Willis, the pug, acted paternallytoward both kittens.

  • Lois had inherited her hairy legs from her paternalside.

  • Natalie was a paternalaunt, being a sister of the child’s father.
    [-ly adv.]

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