Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

vocation (voh KAY shin) n. 1. a calling to enter a certain career; 2. any career,
profession, or trade

  • Eric’s vocationas a beachcomber was sealed from the moment his mother
    bought him the comb.

  • Everyone should have some vocationor a railroad car full of money.
    vociferously(voh SIF oer is lee) adv. 1. loudly making one’s feelings known;

  1. characteristically making a fuss to be sure of being heard

  • The crow cawed vociferously,as if complaining about the screen separating
    it from the cherry pie.

  • The crowd vociferouslyyelled at the center fielder to throw the ball to home
    [vociferous adj., vociferousness n.] [Syn. clamorously, stridently, boisterously]
    vulgar(VUHL goer) adj. 1. common; popular with the great majority of people;

  1. in the vernacular; 3. characterized by lack of culture or refinement; boorish

  • Certain computer terms like RAM and ROM have found their way into

  • VulgarLatin was quite different from the Latin used in literature.

  • Richard’s wearing jeans to the opera last Thursday was rather vulgar,in
    Karen’s opinion.
    [-ly adv.] [Syn. coarse, common]
    ward(WAWRD) vt. to fend off; parry; push aside or away —n. 1. the act of
    guarding; 2. the state of being under guard; 3. a child or other person placed under
    the guardianship of another or of a court; 4. each of the parts or divisions of a
    hospital or a jail; 5. an administrative district of a city or town

  • The sun tried to wardoff the winter cold.

  • The guard was wardover the second floor.

  • The class was the wardof the school while in the building.

  • By order of the court, Burt Ward was made Bruce Wayne’s ward.

  • The hospital had a maternity wardand a prison ward,which some would
    say are one and the same.

  • The congressman was elected to represent the third ward.
    [-ed, -ing]
    whereas(wair AZ) conj. 1. it being the case that; because; 2. but, on the other
    hand; 3. in as much as

  • Whereasyou already have the umbrella, why don’t you open it?

  • You have the steering wheel, whereasI have the car key.

  • Whereastomorrow is your birthday, let’s party today.
    whimsical(WIM zi kil) adj. 1. characterized by capriciousness; 2. oddly extraor-
    dinary; fanciful; freakish; 3. unpredictable; subject to change

  • Artist Peter Max is known for his whimsicalcartoons.

  • Teresa took a whimsicalnotion to jump into the Pacific Ocean.

  • We’d love to tell you what the bus schedule is, but as far as we can tell, it’s
    purely whimsical,depending on the driver’s inclination.
    [-ly adv.]

U – Z: SAT Words 239

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