Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

amalgamate(uh MAL guh MAYT) vt. 1. to join together into one; to unite; to
combine; 2. to alloy into an amalgam (an alloy of mercury and another metal, used
by dentists in fillings)

  • Many smaller companies were amalgamatedto form some of today’s corpo-
    rate giants, such as General Electric and U.S. Steel.

  • Mercury and silver are amalgamatedto form the amalgam that is losing
    popularity with dentists as a filling material.
    [-d, amalgamating]
    ameliorate(uh MEEL ee uh RAYT) vt. to make or become better; to improve

  • A visit by a professional cleaning service should amelioratethe mess in our
    living room.

  • The automobile company recalled all 2004 model cars to amelioratethe
    problem with the steering pump.
    [-d, ameliorating] [Syn. improve]

Quick Review #88.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

A: GRE Words 247

  1. advocate (vt.)

  2. advocate (n.)

  3. affinity

  4. affirm

  5. aggrandize

  6. agronomy

  7. allegory

  8. alleviate

  9. allocate

  10. alloy

  11. amalgamate

  12. ameliorate

a. connection

b. relieve

c. improve

d. symbolism

e. distribute

f. unite

g. enrich

h. fuse

i. support

j. assert

k. farming

l. supporter

amenable(uh MEN i bl or uh MEEN i bl) adj. 1. responsive; answerable to;

  1. controllable; submissive

    • Would you be amenableto someone’s making you an offer for your car?

    • Pneumonia is amenableto treatment with antibiotics.
      [amenably adv.] [Syn. obedient]

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