distillation(DIS til AY shin) n. 1. a process by which a liquid is vaporized, and
the vapor is cooled to form a purer or more highly concentrated substance; 2. a
purifying or refining by distillation
- Alcoholic spirits are removed from fermented mash by means of
distillation. - Distillationis used to separate gasoline from crude oil.
[Syn. concentration, purification]
diversity(di VERS i tee) n. the quality or state of being different or varied - The diversityof its people is thought to be one of the great strengths of the
United States. - An interesting menu in a restaurant should offer the customers a diversity
of choices.
[Syn. variety]
divest(di VEST) vt. 1. to strip of clothing or rank; 2. to get rid of unwanted
things - For failing to follow orders, the sergeant was divestedof his stripes.
- Given the recent performance of the stock market, now seems like a pretty
good time to divestyour portfolio of poor performers.
[-ed, -ing] [Syn. strip]
divulge(di VULJ) vt. to make known, disclose, reveal - You must promise never to divulgethe location of the hidden treasure, or
else! - Unless you pay to see my hand, I do not have to divulgewhich cards I was
holding when I won that hand.
[-d, divulging] [Syn. reveal]
dogmatic(dawg MAT ik) adj. 1. of or like dogma; 2. accepted without proof;
- stating an opinion with arrogance
- In the early part of the twentieth century, the story about a young George
Washington chopping down a cherry tree was dogmatic. - The scientific community encourages its members to question everything
and to avoid being dogmatic. - Dr. Jackson tends to be dogmaticwhen he hands out his diagnoses to the
medical students.
[-ally adv.] [Syn. dictatorial]
dolt(DOHLT) n. stupid, slow-witted person; blockhead - The way that man slipped into the bus seat before the pregnant woman
could take it marks him as a dolt. - Who but a doltgoes out of the house wearing his or her shoes on the
wrong feet?
[-ish adj., -ishly adv., -ishness n.]
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