Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

enzyme(EN zym) n. any one of many proteins developed by plants and ani-
mals that act as catalysts in certain chemical reactions

  • Chlorophyll acts as an enzymein green plants’ process of photosynthesis.

  • Pepsin and retsyn are two enzymesthat aid in human digestion.
    epicure(EP ik yur) n. a person who has an appreciation of fine food and drink,
    and enjoys consuming same

  • French cuisine has a great appeal to the epicure.

  • Snails, while a common delicacy in France, are the exclusive domain of the
    epicurein this country.

  • Chinese, French, and Italian cuisines are no longer for the enjoyment of
    American epicuresonly.
    [Syn. gourmet, gastronome]

Quick Review #100.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

278 Essential Vocabulary

  1. edify

  2. egalitarian

  3. elegy

  4. elemental

  5. elucidate

  6. emaciate

  7. emancipate

  8. embezzle

  9. emit

  10. emollient

  11. encomium

  12. enigmatic

  13. enunciate

  14. enzyme

  15. epicure

a. tribute

b. gourmet

c. moisturizer

d. utter

e. obscure

f. catalyst

g. waste away

h. discharge

i. basic

j. free

k. steal

l. explain

m. lament

n. equal rights advocate

o. enlighten

epithet(EP i THET) n. 1. an often derogatory word or phrase used to character-
ize someone; 2. a descriptive name or title (for example, Alexander the Great)

  • Egghead is an epithetfor an intellectual person.

  • In King Ethelred the Unready’s name, “the Unready” is an epithet.

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