esoterica(ES oh TER ik uh) n. 1. things meant to be understood only by an
elite few; 2. confidential things
- The Native American medicine man was responsible for passing down the
esotericaof his calling to the next generation. - Every religion has certain persons to whom are entrusted the esotericaof
the group.
eulogy(YOO li jee) n. a speech or writing in praise of a person who has recently
died, or a project that has been killed - It is customary for a eulogyto be given by one or more persons at a funeral
service. - Traditionally, any ill traits of the deceased are not mentioned during a eulogy.
[Syn. tribute]
euphemism(YOO fi MIZ im) n. 1. a word or phrase that is less expressive sub-
stituted for a more expressive one to lessen its impact (the remainsrather than the
corpse); 2. the use of such a word - The “dearly departed” is a euphemismfor the “dead person.”
- Many people speak in euphemisms,requiring the listeners to interpret what
they are hearing.
[euphemistic adj., euphemistically adv.]
evolve(ee VOLV) vt.,vi.1. to develop by gradual change; unfold; 2. to change
by evolution - A winning baseball team evolvesas all the right players are assembled and
become comfortable playing together. - Modern man is thought to have evolvedfrom earlier species, such as
Cro-Magnon man.
[-d, evolving] [Syn. unfold]
excoriate(iks KAW ree ayt) vt. 1. to harshly denounce; 2. to rub off the skin of;
to abrade; to flay - Mr. Brown excoriatedhis class for having misbehaved on the class trip.
- Jack excoriatedhis right elbow when he slid into second base.
[-d, excoriating, excoriation n.]
280 Essential Vocabulary