Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

agenda*(uh JEN duh) n.a list of things to be done; especially, a program of
things to be done at a meeting

  • Jason wanted to settle down and have children, but his brother Dylan had
    a totally different agenda.

  • “Old Business” was the second thing on the agendafor the meeting, just
    after the reading of the minutes from the last meeting.
    agile(A juhl) adj.1. able to move quickly and easily; deft and active of body or
    mind; 2. keen and lively (of mind)

  • The ballerina showed how agileshe was as she effortlessly danced and frol-
    icked about the stage.

  • The comedian was agileof mind as he moved from one quip seamlessly to
    the next.
    [agilely adv.,agility n.]
    agrarian (uhg RAR ee uhn) adj.1. relating to land in general; 2. relating to
    farms, farmers, and agriculture

  • The agrarianlaws of the late twentieth century had the government paying
    farmers to not grow certain crops.

  • Agrarianschools teach farmers about crop rotation and how alternating
    certain crops replenishes soil nutrients.

Quick Review #4.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

16 Essential Vocabulary

  1. adulate

  2. advantageous

  3. adversarial

  4. adversary

  5. adversity

  6. aerate

  7. aesthetic

  8. affect

  9. affront

  10. agenda

  11. agile

  12. agrarian

a. hostile

b. carbonate

c. list

d. offend

e. fawn

f. agricultural

g. keen

h. artistic

i. profitable

j. calamity

k. assume

l. opponent
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