Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
minatory(MIN uh taw ree) adj. menacing or threatening

  • Making minatoryremarks to someone can get one into deep trouble.

  • Tigers are known to make minatorygestures to warn people or other ani-
    mals to stay back—unless they are hunting.
    [minatorily adv.]
    mince(MINS) vt. 1. to chop or cut into tiny pieces; 2. to weaken or lessen the
    force of

  • One usually mincesparsley before adding it to recipes.

  • Chefs are able to minceonion with a chef’s knife, but the average home
    cook is better off using a chopping machine.

  • The dean prefers not to mincewords when pointing out the errors of one
    of the student’s ways.
    [-d, mincing]
    misanthrope(MIS in throhp) n. a person who hates or distrusts everybody else

  • Veronica was a misanthrope and was absolutely no fun to be around.
    •A misanthropemight hate or distrust everyone, but he can be the life of the

Quick Review #112.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

308 Essential Vocabulary

  1. magnitude

  2. maladroit

  3. mammal

  4. manipulate

  5. marginal

  6. meadow

  7. mediator

  8. membrane

  9. mercenary

  10. mercurial

  11. mettle

  12. milieu

  13. minatory

  14. mince

  15. misanthrope

a. surroundings

b. quick witted

c. menacing

d. chop up

e. distruster

f. sheet

g. character

h. grassland

i. money driven

j. intermediary

k. greatness

l. borderline

m. handle

n. awkward

o. animal
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