Quick Review #116.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.
O – P: GRE Words 319
- placid
- plaintive
- plethora
- pluck
- plummet
- plutocratic
- polarity
- polemic
- poseur
- pottery
- precipitation
- preempt
a. actor
b. alignment
c. seize first
d. argumentative
e. impetuousness
f. earthenware
g. overabundance
h. plunge
i. sad
j. fortitude
k. calm
l. powerful
prejudice(PREJ uh dis) vt. 1. to have or show bias; 2. to cause harm by prejudg-
ing —n. 1. an opinion or judgment formed before knowing the facts; preconceived
idea either favorable or unfavorable; 2. an irrational dislike or hatred, suspicion, or
intolerance of a certain race, creed, ethnic group, and so on
- Most children have a prejudicefor carrots and cucumbers.
- It is wrong to prejudicea jury before they fairly try a case.
- One might be prejudicedfor or against something.
- Racial prejudicehas been responsible for many hate crimes in the world and
in American history.
[-d, prejudicing] [Syn. partiality]
premeditated(pree MED i TAYT id) adj. thought out, schemed, or planned
beforehand - First-degree muder is also known as premeditatedhomicide.
- The furnishing of a house should be premeditated,or it could turn out to be
a disaster.
[-ly adv.] [Syn. preplanned]
presage(PRES ij for n. or v.,pree SAYJ orpri SAYJ for v.) n.1. a sign or a warning
of an event in the future; augury; omen; 2. a foreboding —vt. 1. to give warning of;
portend; 2. to have a foreboding or presentiment; 3. to predict - Many believe that a comet is a presageof disaster.
- Most people have an occasional presageof something to come.
- Some people consult psychics to presagetheir futures.
- Nostradamus is credited by some as having presagedmany events, includ-
ing the huge success of this book.
[-d, presaging] [Syn. omen]