Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

resilient(ri ZIL yint) adj. 1. bouncing back from adversity; 2. springing back
into shape after having been distorted; 3. recovering strength, spirit, and good

  • Gary showed that he was resilientby hitting a home run after striking out
    three consecutive times.

  • Foam rubber is a very resilientmaterial, and cushions made from it retain
    their shape after being sat on hundreds of times.

  • Ursala showed that she was resilientby joking with the paramedics only
    moments after they pulled her from the rubble of the collapsed building.
    [-ly adv., resilience n.] [Syn. elastic]

Quick Review #119.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

Q – R: GRE Words 327

  1. receptor

  2. recitation

  3. recluse

  4. recondite

  5. redemptive

  6. refractory

  7. relapse

  8. relentless

  9. reparation

  10. repress

  11. repulse

  12. resilient

a. repel

b. compensation

c. rescuing

d. receiver

e. subdue

f. pitiless

g. elastic

h. fall back

i. abstruse

j. gathering

k. difficult

l. hermit

resolve(ri ZOLV) vt. 1. to break up into constituent parts; to analyze; 2. to
change; 3. to cause; 4. to show the solution —n.firmness of purpose; determination

  • A prism can resolvewhite light into the colors of a rainbow.

  • The two sides tried for weeks to resolvetheir dispute.

  • Einstein resolvedthe relationship between energy and matter.

  • Edward expressed his resolveto find a solution.
    [-d, resolving] [Syn. decide]
    rhinestone(RYN stohn) n. a piece of colorless glass cut to look like a diamond

  • Rhinestoneswere first created in Germany’s Rhine Valley.

  • Since their creation, rhinestoneshave been popular in costume jewelry.
    [Syn. fake gem, glass]

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