Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

spontaneity(SPAHN ti NEE i tee) n. 1. acting spontaneously; 2. doing things on
the spur of the moment without external incitement; acting with self-motivation

  • By definition, spontaneityis incapable of being planned.

  • Spontaneitymust come from within oneself, and some people have it, while
    others are afraid of it.
    squander(SKWAHN doer) vt. to waste; to spend or use wastefully

  • Norma squanderedher money on a CD because she could not wait two days
    for it to go on sale.

  • Jimmy Carter’s administration refused to squanderbillions of dollars on the
    B-1 bomber program.
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. waste]

Quick Review #121.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

332 Essential Vocabulary

  1. salutary

  2. schematic

  3. scrutiny

  4. sedulous

  5. sermon

  6. sextant

  7. shard

  8. signatory

  9. smelt

  10. sobriety

  11. sordid

  12. splice

  13. spontaneity

  14. squander

a. waste

b. join

c. speech

d. self-motivated

e. instrument

f. surveillance

g. plan

h. endorser

i. seriousness

j. fragment

k. base

l. refine

m. busy

n. beneficial
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