Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

amorphous(uh MAWR fuhs) adj.1. lacking definite form; shapeless; 2. of no
specific type; anomolous; 3. indefinite; vague

  • Sulfur is a yellow, nonmetallic element that is found in crystal and amor-

  • To one unfamiliar with the game of rugby, the game appears to be gov-
    erned by amorphous rules.

  • When Gino tried to pin Hailee down to a specific time, all he could get
    from her was an amorphousresponse.
    [amorphously adv.]
    amphibian (am FIB ee en) n. 1. any one of a class of cold-blooded vertebrates
    without scales (including frogs, newts, salamanders, and toads) that starts life with
    gills, living in the water, and later develops lungs; 2. any plant or animal that is at
    home both on land and in water; 3. any aircraft or vehicle that can operate on land
    and in water

  • It is not unusual to find amphibiansin and around a pond.

  • The early Pan American Airways Clippers were amphibiansthat loaded
    and unloaded their passengers on land but took off from and landed on
    [amphibious adj.]
    amplify*(AMP li fy) vt.1. to make bigger and stronger; increase or extend
    (power, authority, etc.); 2. to strengthen by adding details, examples, etc.;

  1. (electronics) to strengthen an audio signal or electrical current

  • Caesar Augustus amplifiedthe reach of the Roman Empire.

  • The robbery victim amplifiedhis story by providing the license plate num-
    ber of the felon’s car and a thorough description of his height, build, and

  • The sound of the lead singer’s voice is almost inaudible, but the sound
    engineer will amplifyit to make it stand out.
    [amplified, amplifying, amplification, amplifier n.]
    amusement(uh MYOOZ mnt) n.1. the condition of being entertained; 2. a
    thing or activity that amuses or entertains; entertainment

  • Randy’s amusementwas Claire’s main occupation.

  • Marcia played solitaire for her own amusement.

  • The antics of the dancing bears was a source of great amusementfor the
    amusing (uh MYOOZ eeng) adj.1. entertaining; diverting; 2. causing laughter
    or merriment

  • The comedian’s stand-up routine was very amusing.

  • An amusingincident takes one’s mind off his or her woes.

  • Jose’s amusingfacial contortions made everyone laugh.
    [Syn. funny]

20 Essential Vocabulary

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