Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Quick Review #9.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

A: SAT Words 31

  1. argument

  2. arid

  3. aristocratic

  4. arrogant

  5. artist

  6. artistic

  7. artwork

  8. ascetic

  9. ascribe

  10. aspect

  11. assert

  12. assess

a. affirm

b. painting

c. assign

d. severe

e. tasteful

f. evaluate

g. element

h. debate

i. proud

j. dry

k. sculptor

l. noble

assiduous(uh SID yoo uhss) adj.1. gone about with constant and careful atten-
tion; 2. industrious; persevering

  • Nuclear submarines must be built by assiduousworkers.

  • To learn algebra well, you must be assiduousin doing your homework

  • The difference between a mediocre potter and an exceptional craftsman is
    that the latter is assiduous.
    [-ly adv., -ness n.] [Syn. busy]
    assist(uh SIST) vt.1. to aid; give help to; 2. to work as a helper —n. helping
    someone to do something

  • Dawn likes to assisther parents with the laundry; she dirties it.

  • Freddie assistsat the school library by reshelving returns.

  • May I give you an assistwith starting your car?
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. help]

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