Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

captive(KAP tiv) n. 1. one captured and held prisoner; 2. a person enthralled,
as by love or beauty —adj. 1. taken or held prisoner; 2. unable to act independently;

  1. made to watch/listen (as in a captive audience)

    • The captivewas behind bars.

    • The first time Iris saw San Francisco, she became captiveto its charm.

    • A babysitter is captiveto his or her charge.

    • For many years, Poland was a captivenation of the USSR.

    • Ian loves to play his guitar before a captiveaudience.
      career(kuh RIR) n.1. one’s way of earning a living; lifework; 2. a profession or
      occupation for which one trains and which one pursues for life —adj.adapting a
      normally temporary activity as a lifework

    • One’s careeris not always the one prepared for.

    • Some veterinarians pursue that careerdeliberately, while for others it is a
      booby prize for failing medical school.

    • Herbert decided to become a careersoldier.
      carnivore*(KAHR ni VAWR) n.1. any of a number of fanged, flesh-eating
      mammals, like lions and tigers and bears; 2. an animal that eats other animals; 3. a
      plant that eats small animals—especially insects.

    • Unlike herbivores, who eat plants, and omnivores, who eat both plants
      and animals, a carnivoreprefers a diet of meat.

    • The Venus flytrap is a plant that can be categorized a carnivore.
      [carnivorous adj., carnivorously adv.]

Quick Review #14.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

C: SAT Words 45

  1. cajole

  2. calamity

  3. camaraderie

  4. campaign

  5. canvass

  6. captive

  7. career

  8. carnivore

a. solicit

b. wheedle

c. battle

d. friendliness

e. lifework

f. dependent

g. flesh eater

h. disaster
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