Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
compel(kuhm PEL) vt.1. to force; constrain; 2. to get or cause by force

  • Eve had to compelAdam to try her applesauce.

  • Iraq used its army to compelKuwait to share its oil income.
    [-led, -ling, -lable adj., -ler n.] [Syn. force]
    competent(KOM pit int) adj. 1. well qualified; capable; fit (sometimes used
    with to); 2. sufficient; adequate; 3. permissible or properly belonging

  • Vi’s M.A. made her quite competentacademically to apply for the teaching

  • One doesn’t need to be an electrician to have competentcredentials to
    change a lightbulb.

  • The judge ruled Jack competentto stand trial for murder.
    [-ly adv.] [Syn. able]
    competition(kom pet ISH in) n.1. the act of competing; rivalry; 2. a contest
    or match; 3. official participation in an organized sport; 4. the opposition in a con-
    test; 5. the person or persons against whom one competes

  • Jimmy Connors and Andre Agassi were often competitionfor one another
    on the tennis courts.

  • The 100-meter hurdles competitionwill start at 2 P.M.

  • To paticipate in the competition,an application form must be filed, and an
    entry fee must be paid.

54 Essential Vocabulary

  1. collector

  2. colloquial

  3. collusion

  4. comedic

  5. commencement

  6. comment

  7. commercial

  8. commitment

  9. communication

  10. comparative

  11. comparison

  12. compassion

a. humorous

b. annotation

c. exchange of ideas

d. sympathy

e. pledge

f. relation

g. relative

h. conspiracy

i. acquirer

j. beginning

k. informal

l. advertisement

Quick Review #17.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

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