compel(kuhm PEL) vt.1. to force; constrain; 2. to get or cause by force
- Eve had to compelAdam to try her applesauce.
- Iraq used its army to compelKuwait to share its oil income.
[-led, -ling, -lable adj., -ler n.] [Syn. force]
competent(KOM pit int) adj. 1. well qualified; capable; fit (sometimes used
with to); 2. sufficient; adequate; 3. permissible or properly belonging - Vi’s M.A. made her quite competentacademically to apply for the teaching
position. - One doesn’t need to be an electrician to have competentcredentials to
change a lightbulb. - The judge ruled Jack competentto stand trial for murder.
[-ly adv.] [Syn. able]
competition(kom pet ISH in) n.1. the act of competing; rivalry; 2. a contest
or match; 3. official participation in an organized sport; 4. the opposition in a con-
test; 5. the person or persons against whom one competes - Jimmy Connors and Andre Agassi were often competitionfor one another
on the tennis courts. - The 100-meter hurdles competitionwill start at 2 P.M.
- To paticipate in the competition,an application form must be filed, and an
entry fee must be paid.
54 Essential Vocabulary
- collector
- colloquial
- collusion
- comedic
- commencement
- comment
- commercial
- commitment
- communication
- comparative
- comparison
- compassion
a. humorous
b. annotation
c. exchange of ideas
d. sympathy
e. pledge
f. relation
g. relative
h. conspiracy
i. acquirer
j. beginning
k. informal
l. advertisement
Quick Review #17.
Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.