Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

concern (kuhn SOERN) vt.1. to be about or to involve; 2. to draw in; engage or
involve; 3. to cause to feel uneasy or anxious —n.1. a matter of interest or impor-
tance to one; 2. interest in or regard for a person or thing; 3. relation; reference; 4.
worry; anxiety

  • The Iliad concernsa war between Greece and Troy.

  • A good teacher tries to concernparents with their children’s day-to-day
    school experiences.

  • It concernsLois that she has not yet heard from her tax preparation person.

  • Mark’s well-being is a concernof Diane’s.

  • Sandy has a financial concernin the company’s health.

  • The stock market’s fall was a great concernof those nearing retirement.
    [-ed, -ing; also -ed adj. and -ing prep.] [Syn. care]

Quick Review #18.

Match the word from column 2 with the word from column 1 that means most
nearly the same thing.

C: SAT Words 57

  1. compel

  2. competent

  3. competition

  4. competitive

  5. complain

  6. complex

  7. composure

  8. comprehensive

  9. compromise

  10. compulsion

  11. concept

  12. concern

a. opponent

b. inclusive

c. care

d. calmness

e. modify

f. idea

g. accuse

h. urge

i. force

j. contested

k. intricate

l. able

concert(KON soert) n.1. mutual agreement; concord; togetherness of action; 2.
a music program in which a number of musicians perform together

  • Pete and Andy were careful to paddle the canoe in concert.

  • Getting the car out of the snow took a concertedeffort.

  • Five singing groups performed at the April concert.
    [-ed adj. (in) concert]

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