Webster Essential Vocabulary

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  • There are coffee beans of every descriptionthat are grown in South America,
    Africa, and other places.

  • Hal’s arm swept through the descriptionof a 90° arc.
    design (di ZYN) vt.1. to make creative sketches of; to plan; 2. to plan and carry
    out; 3. to form (plans) in the mind; to contrive; 4. to intend; purpose —n.1. a plan,
    scheme, or project; 2. an aim or purpose; 3. a thing planned for or a result aimed at;

  1. the organization of parts, details, form, color, etc. to get an artistic result

  • The architect designedthe floor plan on a large sketch pad.

  • It is hard to designa foolproof bank holdup, and he or she who thinks
    otherwise is a fool.

  • Martha tried to designa plan of study that would help her get ready for the
    math examination.

  • Bob designedto work straight through until dinner.

  • The designof the house was Tara’s own.

  • Jason built the plane from a commercial design.

  • The wedding reception went off according to design.

  • We should lay out the designfor the painting before actually working on
    the canvas.
    [-ed, -ing] [Syn. intend, plan]
    desolate(DES uh lit for adj., DES uh LAYT for v.) adj. 1. isolated; lonely; solitary;

  1. uninhabited; deserted; 3. made uninhabitable; in a ruined condition; 4. forlorn;
    wretched —vt. 1. to rid of inhabitants; 2. to make uninhabitable; to devastate; 3. to
    forsake; abandon; 4. to make wretched, forlorn, etc.

  • Ed has been desolatesince Trixie took his teddy bear.

  • The desert island was a desolateplace.

  • The nuclear tests had left the land in a desolatestate.

  • The naval gunnery practice range was desolatedby its almost constant

  • You’ll desolateme if you run away with my best friend without giving me
    at least 10 days’ notice so that I can replace you.
    [-d, desolating, -ly adv.]
    despise (dis PYZ) vt.1. to detest; to look on with contempt and scorn; 2. to
    regard with dislike or repugnance

  • The cowboys learned to despisethe scorpions that crawled into their boots
    at night.

  • They also despisedeating pork and beans night after night.
    [-d, despising] [Syn. scorn, disdain]
    destitution (DES ti TOO shin) n.the state of being very poor; being without;
    lacking the necessities of life; abject poverty

  • Destitutionis a condition in which it is unenviable to find oneself.

  • Do not confuse destitution,a state of abject poverty, with restitution, a pay-
    ing back for injuries caused.
    [Syn. poverty]

D: SAT Words 79

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