Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Use the results of the marathon to determine facts and draw conclusions.

To analyze data—read it, think about it, and use it
to get the answers.

Riverdale High School held its annual Marathon on
Saturday. Here are the results:

  1. Who was disqualified for cheating? __

  2. Who sustained an injury and had to quit? _____

  3. Who sustained an injury but did not quit? ___

  4. Who finished directly behind Sammy? ___

  5. How many students finished the race? ___

  6. Who did not run the race? _____

  7. How long after the first finisher did the last finisher complete the marathon? _____

  8. How much before Sammy did James finish? __

  9. Based on the times of the first two finishers, what conclusions can you make about their
    performances? Give a play-by-play of the final home stretch. ___

  10. List the runners in the order in which they finished: ____

Kerri finished 1st in 4:18.27
James finished 2nd in 4:18.29
Sammy finished 3rd in 4:35.01
Marco finished 10 minutes after Sammy
Jenny finished 8 minutes and 30 seconds after Sammy
Chris walked the entire race in 7:43:15
Mattie was disqualified for taking a ride on the back of her brother’s bike
Azul twisted his ankle at the 10-mile mark and was taken to the nurse
Victor had blisters on all of his toes, but finished before Chris and Olive
Olive did not finish last in this, her first marathon
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