Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read the story below. Then number the events in the order they happened.

What happened when? Sequencing gives order
to a story!

Detective Declan was called to investigate a robbery at Rings & Things. When he arrived
at the store, people were running around frantically and a policeman was taping off the
area with bright yellow ribbon that read: CRIME SCENE. Authorities didn’t want anyone
near the site until Detective Declan had done his investigation. “We’ve been waiting for
you,” grumbled the sheriff.
Detective Declan walked into the store; it was dark. He tried to turn on the lights, but
they didn’t work. He took a couple of steps; he heard the sound of glass breaking beneath
his feet. He’d found the broken light bulb. He reached into his pocket, took out his
flashlight, and shined it on the floor. In the spotlight, Detective Declan could see watches,
ladies rings, bracelets, and necklaces that had been left behind in haste. Some had spots
of pink on them. He also saw a pink streak across the display case glass. It faintly smelled
of paint.
With that, Detective Declan walked outside into the bright sunlight. The Rings & Things
cashier, Ms. Pearl, was sitting on the sidewalk; she had not yet been questioned about the
robbery. Detective Declan looked down at her well-manicured hands. Two pink nails were
visibly smudged. “Ms. Pearl,” smiled Declan. “Perhaps it would have been prudent for
you to wait until your manicure had fully dried.” Case closed!

a. _____ He went outside to interview, Ms. Pearl, the cashier.

b. _____ Detective Declan accidentally stepped on a light bulb.

c. _____ He noticed pink smudges.

d. _____ Detective Declan saw jewelry on the floor, left in haste.

e. _____ The police needed Detective Declan’s help.
f. _____ Detective Declan solved the case!

g. _____ Detective Declan walked onto the crime scene.

h. _____ Detective Declan used his flashlight to illuminate the crime scene.

i. _____ The crime scene was taped off with yellow ribbon.
j. _____ The sheriff was waiting for Detective Declan.
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