Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story below. Then number the events in the proper order.

My mom taught me how to make her famous chocolate chip cookie ice cream pie. It’s my
favorite! The notion of making a pie from scratch sounds simple, but there are many steps
involved, if you want your end product to be perfectly delicious.
The first thing my mom does is to write a list of pie ingredients. Then she checks the
refrigerator, freezer, and pantry to see if she has the necessary items. If not, she makes a
grocery list, and takes a quick trip to the supermarket.

Chocolate chip cookie ice cream pie requires:
1 16 oz. package of chocolate chip^1 ⁄ 2 cup softened butter
cookies (or homemade)
1 cup hot fudge topping 2 quarts chocolate chip ice cream
1 cup whipped cream 12 cherries

Once you have all the ingredients, you are ready to begin. First, Mom crushes^3 ⁄ 4 of the
cookies into crumbs. Then, she adds the crumbs to the softened butter and presses them
into the bottom of a deep pie plate. Next, Mom spreads most of the fudge topping over the
crust. She saves some for the top of the pie. When that part is complete, it’s time to put the
pie into the freezer for 15 minutes.
While the crust is freezing, Mom puts one quart of ice cream in the microwave for 45
seconds. This helps to soften the ice cream. After that, she takes the crust out of the freezer
and spreads the ice cream over the fudge and cookie crust.
Finally, Mom scoops the rest of the ice cream into balls and arranges them on top of the
pie. Once again she freezes the pie, this time overnight. The rest of the fudge topping,
whipped cream, cookie crumbs, and cherries go on top before serving! Delicious!

a. ______ My mom goes to the supermarket and buys what she will need.
b. ______ Then she puts the fudge on the crust.
c. ______ She puts the pie in the freezer for 15 minutes.
d. ______ Finally, she tops the pie with whipped cream, cookie crumbs, and cherries!
e. ______ Next she puts the ice cream on top of the fudge.
f. ______ She’s ready to begin.
g. ______ My mom makes a list of the ingredients she will need.
h. ______ First, she crushes the cookies to make the crust.
i. ______ After that, my mom puts the pie in the freezer overnight.
j. ______ It’s time to eat the pie.
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