Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: An author can write a story from different perspectives: first person, second person,
third person, and the all-knowing omniscient! Look at the examples. Then write
three sentences describing each perspective.

First Person:Sentences that include I, me, my, we, mine, our, ours
My name is Harold. I like playing Grubbish in my spare time. Grubbish is a game played
with cans and balls. Our neighborhood park has a Grubbish team, and I have been
elected the captain.

Second Person:Sentences that include you, yourself, your, yours
Grubbish is a game played with cans and balls. You have to kick the small balls into cans.
This is a task-oriented competition done all by yourself as you compete against the clock.

Third Person:Sentences that include he, she, his, hers, they, them, their, him, her and
proper names, such as Jack
Jack plays first-string smasher for the Pixy Park Grubbish team. He has been on the team
for nearly three years. His sister Mandy is also on the team, although she is new to the

Omniscient:This all-knowing voice can get into the mind of the characters. Sentences
contain character secrets as well as feelings and emotions.
Harold felt a chill travel up his spine as he prepared to take the field for the Grubbish
match. He was nervous, and he hoped no one could detect that fact. As if nerves weren’t
enough to deal with, the weather got worse. From the corner of his eye, Harold could see a
large, dark cloud creeping across the horizon. If only he’d brought along a raincoat.

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