Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the three character essays below and then explain how each feels about
the topic and why.

Sharks:Sharks are the worst animals in the ocean, and I don’t see any reason why they
exist. I think every fisherman that catches a shark should be paid $100 by the state Fish
& Game Council. One time I was swimming and a shark approached me. I was in
shallow water and stood very still. Nothing happened, but it made me realize that
sharks are very dangerous menaces!
By Mandy

  1. How does Mandy feel about sharks? Why? __

  2. List three adjectives that describe Mandy’s viewpoint. _____

Sharks:Sharks are beautiful creatures that have survived and thrived in the sea for
millions of years. Movies and television have unfairly portrayed these humble creatures
as vicious killers, when in actuality they are scavengers doing what comes natural for
their survival. I believe that anyone who kills a shark should be fined $1,000 and sent
to a class on sharks so they can learn what is true and what is folklore about these
amazing fish!
By Fletcher

  1. How does Fletcher feel about sharks? Why? __

  2. List three adjectives that describe Fletcher’s viewpoint. ____

Sharks:I have only seen sharks in the movies and on television. I think some of them
are evil and others are harmless. I know lots of people hate sharks and others want to
protect them. Therefore, there should be a compromise. All sharks should be captured
and put into one ocean—that way people will know where they are and can avoid
being attacked.
By Eva

  1. How does Eva feel about sharks? Why? _____

  2. List three adjectives that describe Eva’s viewpoint. ____




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