Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each paragraph below. Then answer the questions.

  1. I found out that my two best friends, Sherri and Kara, went skating at Bryant
    Park yesterday without ever calling to invite me! Instead, I sat at home all day
    playing tedious monster trucks with my baby brother, Gordon. My feelings are
    immensely crushed!
    How do you think she felt? _____
    Why? __

  2. While trying to study for my huge math test, both of my little bothersome
    brothers came into my bedroom, running and screaming and then began
    bouncing like acrobats on my bed. I yelled at them to get out immediately, but
    they ignored me and kept jumping. They threw pillows at my head and raced out
    of my bedroom, leaving it in shambles!
    How do you think he felt? __
    Why? __

  3. My treasured fish, Bubbles, expired. My dad buried him in the backyard. Dad
    took his shovel from the garage and dug a hole in the corner beneath our willow
    tree. As I watched my dad, tears poured out of my eyes. Dad turned around, took
    the fish bowl from me and placed Bubbles inside the hole. Using his shovel again,
    my dad packed the hole with loose dirt.
    How do you think he felt? __
    Why? __

  4. Every day Gina walks home from school solo. When she arrives at her front
    door, she checks to see that no one is hiding in the bushes, then reaches into her
    backpack to retrieve her house keys and unlock the front door. Gina’s parents
    work late and are never home before 7:00. One day Gina tried to unlock the front
    door, but to her astonishment it was ajar!
    How do you think she felt? ____
    Why? __

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