Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story below. Then complete the story board by writing the events in the
order in which they happened.

On Tuesday, I had a huge end-of-the-year history test. I wanted to prepare for the test
properly, so I reread all of my class notes and text assignments. My sister quizzed me on
world explorers and dates by turning the questions into a trivia game. On Monday night,
I reviewed all of my notes again and then went to bed early. My mom says it’s important
to be well rested before a big event.
Mr. Jackson, my history teacher, distributed the test as soon as the commencement bell
rang. He walked down each aisle and placed the tests one by one, upside down on each
student’s desk. I could barely hold my pencil upright; my palms were
visibly sweaty.
I wrote my name on the test and then began answering the multiple-
choice questions first; they are my favorite. I was on question
number 5 when I felt someone peering over my shoulder. I
turned to see Ryan looking at my answer sheet. I quickly
covered it up with my left hand and continued working. On
question 10, I felt Ryan glaring at me. I knew he was livid
that I wouldn’t let him cheat. But I didn’t care. I had studied
very hard! How unfair it would be if I gave the answers away
to Ryan! Instead of enduring the glare, I picked up my test
paper and backpack and walked to an empty desk at the
front of the room.




  1. History Test
    Name: ____
    Date: _____


January 20
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