Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story and underline the signal words. When you are done, write the story
from Red Riding Hood’s point of view.












Hey, first let me introduce myself. My name is B.B. Wolf. Now, many of you have heard of
me before. I got mixed up with that little girl with the red hood. Everyone believed her
sappy, one-sided tale. As if I would want a basket full of bland cookies—whoever heard of
cookies without chocolate chips?
When the “real” story gets out about what happened that
day in the forest, suddenly I’ll be the most famous canine in
the world! I can see it now; immediately I’ll be mobbed by
fans and photographers—much like a movie star. I’ll have to
lurk around corners and wear dark glasses when I go out.
However, once that crazy kid gets her story straight, I must
admit I will enjoy being famous. At last everyone will know
the hero I was that day, gallantly escorting Red and her yucky
cookies through the dangerous forest to Grandma’s house.
Finally, it will be cleared up once and for all that I do not
wear Grandma clothes! At last I will be able to enjoy the
recognition and fame I deserve.
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