Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Do this activity alone or with a partner. Circle the correct definition of the words
listed below. Use a dictionary to check your answers.

Become best friends with your dictionary and
glossary. They can help you sort out the meaning
of all kinds of words.

  1. squab
    a. a sailor
    b. a baby pigeon
    c. someone who doesn’t clean
    their room

  2. vertical
    a. upright, or straight up and
    b. a calorie-free vegetable drink
    c. inside out

  3. cylinder
    a. a document that keeps track
    of months and weeks
    b. a tube
    c. the middle of your shoe

  4. harsh
    a. to be quiet
    b. cruel
    c. soft and smooth

  5. lope
    a. run
    b. a long rope
    c. someone who doesn’t know

  6. croon
    a. sing
    b. scratch an itch
    c. a large yellow bird

  7. smirk
    a. the sound a fly makes when
    the swatter hits it
    b. smile
    c. a little blue creature
    8. ambidextrous
    a. able to climb ceilings
    b. to be both left- and right-handed
    c. a two-legged dinosaur
    9. omit
    a. to leave out
    b. a bad odor
    c. a prophecy

  8. jinx
    a. game using jacks and marbles
    b. a type of wild cat
    c. a curse

  9. mutation
    a. variation
    b. alien
    c. small mammal

  10. indication
    a. average
    b. clue
    c. cheat

  11. fluster
    a. mass of bubbles
    b. sweep
    c. upset

  12. compensate
    a. accomplish
    b. make proper payment
    c. unsettle

  13. ravenous
    a. very hungry
    b. enough
    c. villain

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