Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Look at these book covers and read the titles. Predict what the books will be about on
the lines provided. When you finish, read the jacket summaries and check whether or
not your predictions were correct.

Hmm....predictions are fun. Predicting is guessing
what things are about to happen using a few facts.

The Traveling Trio
Orphans on a Mission

Book Summary:The Traveling Trio is the story of three kids who
run away from a mean foster home in search of a better life and
adventure. Fate has it that their paths cross with millionaire,
Dexter Dollars, a former orphan, in New York’s Kennedy Airport.
Dexter decides to give the boys his luxury jet and a task. The task
teaches the boys life lessons and gives them an adventure they
will never forget. Will the boys complete the task? What is the
wonderful reward Dexter promises them if they succeed? This is
such a riveting novel you won’t put it down until the last word is

  1. My prediction:___
    My prediction was correct incorrect

  2. My prediction:___
    My prediction was correct incorrect

  3. My prediction:___
    My prediction was correct incorrect

Book Summary:Who was Leonardo da Vinci? He had a keen eye
and quick mind that led him to make important scientific
discoveries, yet he never published his ideas. He was a gentle
vegetarian who loved animals and despised war, yet he worked as
a military engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons. He
was one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance, yet he
left only a handful of completed paintings.

Drools and Creepers
Unlikely Crime Fighters

Who was
Leonardo da Vinci?

Book Summary: Drools and Creepers are the unlikeliest pair of
detectives ever to scratch a flea. When the Flick family fortune is
stolen from behind their fake fireplace, this dog and cat team up
and use their animal smarts to help the Flick family get back
what is rightfully theirs—and a whole lot more! Drools and
Creepers uncover a surprising mystery that leads to an amazing
discovery and fortune.
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