Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Refer to the table of contents below to answer the following questions.

A table of contents is like a map for a book. It lists all
the things you’ll read about along the way!

  1. Where would you find information about Henry Ford and the Model T? _____

  2. In what chapter might Alexander Graham Bell’s inventions be discussed? ____
    3 Which chapter contains information about naval submarines? __

  3. If you were doing a report on the Industrial Revolution,
    which chapter would you consult first? __

  4. Which chapter is the shortest? __

  5. Where would you find information about sitcoms and
    transistor radios? _____

  6. Where would you probably find information about William Randolph
    Hearst (newspaper tycoon)? ____

  7. Which chapter would discuss the Wright brothers? ____

  8. Where can you find selected word definitions? ____

  9. What is listed in the index? _____

Write an introduction to the book based on the table of contents on the back of this page.


Chapter 1 - The Daily Newspaper......... 1
Chapter 2 - Machines and Engines........ 8
Chapter 3 - Radio and Television......... 13
Chapter 4 - Along the Wires............. 21
Chapter 5 - Cars Through the Ages....... 32
Chapter 6 - The Development of Airplanes. 38
Chapter 7 - How Ships Have Changed.... 47
Chapter 8 - Underwater Travel........... 58
Glossary............................. 69
Index............................... 74
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