Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ _



Read the topic sentence that appears in bold print. Do not read what follows, just
yet. Write a few prediction sentences about the topic sentences on the lines below.
When you are done, go back and read the topic explanations.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

There are four
rules of life.

Speak and act the truth:If you are unable to speak or act the truth, then do not speak
or act at all. Lies and harmful actions corrode friendships, harmony, and unity. Always
think how your words and deeds will affect others and then decide if the effect will be
favorable or unfavorable. Unfavorable is never the correct choice.

Do not judge others:No one is perfect and every story has two sides. If we judge others
harshly before we know all of the facts, we sentence that person to emotional prison. The
same is true for believing a person to be perfect. In doing so we put him or her on an
undeserved pedestal.

Do not judge yourself by what others say:People can make you believe that you are
wicked or wonderful. They can hurt your feelings or give you a sense of false security. If
you are heavily influenced by others’ opinions, you can never be yourself.

Always do your best:Know what you are capable of and do no more and no less. Your
capabilities are ever changing, depending on your health, age, and the situation. To do
less than your best will cause you to fall short of your potential and leave some of your
talents unused.
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