Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Rewrite the story in the correct sequence on the lines below. (There can be some
variation in order.)

Snuggles and Muggles wondered if there were other rabbits in the world. Muggles ate so
much, he could barely hop. The rabbits lived in a hutch owned by the Smith family.
Snuggles and Muggles decided to investigate the yard. The garden was full of exotic
vegetables, many they’d never before tasted. From then on, Snuggles and Muggles were
content to stay at home in their safe hutch. They were so busy tasting everything, they
didn’t notice there was a large, yellow cat crouched behind a tomato bush. “Hop!” yelled
Muggles, and the two bunnies didn’t stop hopping until they were safely back in their
hutch. Then they hopped over to the garden on the other side of the Smith’s fence. Once
upon a time, there were two rabbits. Snuggles hopped
out first and landed in a pile of leaves, followed by
Muggles. First, they encountered many delicious
flowers. One morning Snuggles noticed that the hutch
door was unlocked. Suddenly the creature pounced
(leaped toward them). The hutch provided warmth and
shelter for Snuggles and Muggles, and their owners fed
them every day, but something was lacking.











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