Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read the passage. Then write the topic sentences in each paragraph on the lines below.

Here’s a hint. Topic sentences don’t always appear
first in a paragraph. Also, always be on the lookout
for supporting sentences in each paragraph.

A.Nocturnal animals are very different from most animals you commonly
see during your waking hours. Unlike dogs and horses, nocturnal animals do
most of their playing, hunting, caring for their young, and exploring in the
dark of night. When you are asleep, nocturnal animals are active. In the
morning, when you awaken, these animals are going off to burrows and
nests to sleep.
B.Nocturnal animals have special adaptations to help them thrive in the dark. Owls
have large eyes that can see well on a moonless night. Foxes have a great sense of smell
that enables them to locate prey in very little light. Mice, gerbils, and other rodents have
long whiskers to guide them safely through the woods at night. Hyenas have large ears
that they use to hear sounds and locate prey in the dark, and bats use a form of radar to
maneuver through the darkness.
C.Diurnal animals are the opposite of nocturnal animals. Diurnal animals are active
during the day and need sunshine to thrive and survive. Diurnal animals tend to have
smaller eyes and ears than nocturnal animals because light guides their way. It’s possible
that a nocturnal and diurnal animal living in the same forest might never encounter one
another. You could say one works the night shift while the other works during the day.

A. ___________________________________________________________________________







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