Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read the following stories and answer the questions.

Every action has a reaction! That’s cause and effect.

Laura was the best diver at Midland Middle School. Saturday was the Western
Regional Dive Championship. Laura’s coach asked all the divers to get a good night’s
rest before the early morning competition. There was a chance Midland could earn a
trophy if all the divers performed their best. Laura planned to go to sleep early on
Friday night, but then she got a call from her friend, Sondra. Sondra invited Laura to
a party. Laura went to the party and did not get to sleep until midnight. She overslept
in the morning and missed the dive competition. She did not hear the phone ring
when her coach and teammates tried to contact her. Midland did not win a trophy.

Cause: ____________________________________________________________________________

Effect: _____________________________________________________________________________

Cause: ____________________________________________________________________________

Effect: _____________________________________________________________________________

Andre wasn’t the most popular kid at school. In fact, lots of kids made fun of him.
Andre was as tall as a first-grader and he was nearly 12! Everyone in Andre’s family
was short, but that didn’t stop them from being happy and successful. After school one
Friday, the kids teased Andre so much he decided to walk home alone the long way. As
Andre walked past an old building, he heard a cry for help. There was a tiny
crawlspace with a woman standing in front of it crying. Her cat had crawled under the
building, and she couldn’t reach him. The building was scheduled to be demolished.
Without saying a word, Andre wiggled through the opening and rescued the cat. The
woman was so thankful she gave Andre $100 and called the local newspapers to tell
the story. Andre was a hero at school on Monday morning!
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