Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Imagine that a reporter is interviewing characters from the story “Goldilocks and the
Three Bears.” Answer the questions as you think each character would.


Q. What were you feeling that prompted you enter the Bear’s house?

A. ___

Q. Some are saying that you should not have gone in, even if the door was

open. How do you respond to this criticism?

A. ___

Q. When you saw the porridge on the table, where did you think the house’s residents were?

A. ____


Q. The people want to know why you left the house when porridge was just set on the table.

A. ____

Q. Looking back, do you think it was foolish to leave the door unlatched?

A. ____

Q. What action, if any, do you think should be taken against Goldilocks for trespassing?

A. ____


Q. What was your first thought when you saw that the house had been tampered with?

A. ____

Q. What are you going to do about the damage to the furniture?

A. ____


Q. How did you feel when you saw Goldilocks asleep in your bed?

A. ____

Q. What lesson do you think your family has learned from this experience?

A. _____

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