Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: An author has a purpose in mind for writing. Some styles are stronger than others
for certain purposes. Read the explanations below. Then identify from which point
of view each passage was written.

  1. If you plan to go to college, it is a good idea to start thinking about it
    early in high school. Besides keeping good grades, you can increase
    your chances of getting into the college of your choice by being
    involved in extra-curricular activities and community programs.

This is written in the ____________________ person.

first person

The focus is on the writer. Uses
words such as I, me, us and we.

third person

The focus is on the subject. Uses
words such as it, they, them, he,
she, as well as names.

second person

The focus is on the reader. Uses
words such as you and your.

  1. This may sound strange, but one of my favorite things to do is to
    iron clothes. I find it relaxing. It is something that lets me spend time
    thinking and daydreaming while still accomplishing something.

This is written in the ____________________ person.

  1. If you are ever in Southern California, you will want to visit the
    Wild Animal Park just outside San Diego. This is one of the few
    places in which animals are free to roam large areas that are like
    their natural environment. From the tram you can see rhinos
    grazing and gazelles running.

This is written in the ____________________ person.

  1. The unicorn is a mythical creature described in ancient Greek and
    Roman stories. It is like a horse but has a single spiral horn.

This is written in the ____________________ person.

  1. When you drink through a straw, a partial vacuum is formed. Liquid
    from the drink rises to fill the space and reach your mouth.

This is written in the ____________________ person.
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