Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Sometimes the purpose of what you read is to persuade, or convince, you of
something. Someone may want you to agree with his or her opinion, or he or she
may want you to do or buy something. Read each passage and answer the questions.

  1. Wouldn’t you like all your friends to envy you? Then
    you need to have the best and fastest sport shoes
    available—Lightnings! Don’t settle for less. Look for the
    Lightninglogo, or don’t look at all! Only $69.95 a pair.

What is this trying to persuade you to do?
How does this appeal to your emotions or feelings?
How does it guide you away from buying a similar product made by someone else?
What exaggerated claim is made, hoping you’ll believe it? _________________________________
Who would buy these shoes, and why? __________________________________________________

  1. You should vote for Jackie in the upcoming student
    representative election. She is the best choice because she knows
    how every seventh-grade student thinks and will represent each one
    of us. She is a good listener and a good student. She knows what
    your concerns are and will fight to make our school better.

What is this trying to persuade you to do? ______________________________________________
What exaggerated claim is made about Jackie? ___________________________________________
What specific qualifications are given as reasons to vote for Jackie? __________________________
Would you vote for Jackie? Why or why not? _____________________________________________
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