Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read this retelling of an ancient Greek myth. Then, complete the map of story events.

Long ago, there lived a young woman in
Greece whose name was Arachne. There was
nothing she loved more than spinning and
weaving at her loom, making the finest of
cloths. People admired her work and came
from near and far to praise it. Arachne her-
self thought there could be no other person in
all the world who could spin as fine as she.
When asked if she had been taught by the
gods, Arachne responded that she alone had
a gift and perhaps she could teach them!
By and by, a woman came to see Arachne.
She was Athena, queen of the air, and had
heard of her boasting. When Athena asked
Arachne directly who had taught her to spin,
Arachne boldly stuck to her story. Athena,
annoyed by Arachne’s audacity, challenged
her to a spinning contest in which Jupiter
would be the judge. Arachne agreed.

When the contest commenced, Arachne
sat in her garden among the flowers and
insects. Athena sat in the sky. Arachne
spun beautiful webbed patterns and the
gods were in awe. Then Athena began to
spin. She used the gold of the sunlight, the
fleece of the clouds, the deep green of the
moss, and the blue of the sky. At once
Jupiter declared Athena the winner, and
Arachne was banned from ever using a
loom again.
But, Athena felt pity for the girl. She
touched her with a magic needle, and at
once she was turned into a spider. She was
left in the garden to spin to her heart’s
It is said that she remains there still,
spinning and weaving marvelous webs.
Perhaps you have seen her yourself.

event 1

event 2

event 3

event 5 event 4

event 6
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