Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read the poem. Then map the story events in order.

The firemen rested on their cots

Some playing cards, some napping.

When suddenly the siren blew!

Something big was happening.

Within a minute every man

Had jumped up with a jolt.

They hastily put on their gear

And to the truck did bolt.

The engine sped forth to the scene

Men hanging on the sides.

Blaring out their warning sound

For all to let them by.

The truck arrived in lightning time.

The smoke was pouring out.

And from the third floor window

Mac heard a young boy shout.

The ladder went up quickly

As he climbed he felt the heat.

Mac reached the boy and heard the cheers

From crowds down in the street.

In just a few more minutes

The building was secure.

Of these brave men and women

Who could ask for more?





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