Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: When encountering new words, a good strategy is to use what you already know.
Is this word similar to one you are already familiar with? Try this strategy below.
Follow the example to see how.

The prisoner was led out in manacles.
A word like manaclesthat I already know is manual, which means _______________________.
So, manaclesprobably means eyeglasses handcuffs/chains tentacles/arms

by hand


  1. She was one of the world’s best known contemporarywriters.
    A word like contemporarythat I already know is temporary,
    which means ___.
    So, contemporaryprobably means disliked famous of modern times

  2. The old marinerspoke wisely about the dangers we faced.
    A word like marinerthat I already know is marine,
    which means ___.
    So, marinerprobably means sailor miner watchman

  3. The electricity was being generated by hydraulicenergy.
    A word like hydraulicthat I already know is hydrant, as in fire hydrant,
    which means ___.
    So, hydraulicprobably means raised water-powered hydrogen-powered

  4. The fire chief said the evidence was definitive.
    A word like definitivethat I already know is finite,
    which means ___.
    So, definitiveprobably means clearly stated final/conclusive questionable

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